Monday, February 22, 2016

Romanian Plumbing...Fun Times!

Hey there friends and family!

This week was honestly quite a long one, but all is well, we are doing great(:

We started off the week by having yet another great cultural experience with Romanian plumbing. We have a drain in the floor of our bathroom, where the bathtub, bathroom sink,and kitchen sink all drain too - and it ended up completely exploding hahaha. Green stuff and water was everywhere. We couldn't use the sinks or bathtub for days without water erupting all over the bathroom haha - so we poured some drain-o down, and a few hours later, the water still was clogged, but didn't come up out of the was draining somewhere else. Long story short, all the water that we used, and the neighbors above us used, ended up in the ceiling of our downstairs neighbor...ah poor guy. He came and shut off our water like 5 times and was SO mad haha, but eventually our landlady came to help us out, got the water problem fixed after a few days, and all was well. 

Also this week poor Sora Wyatt wasn't feeling too good, so we were inside for a few days, but we ended up getting all ready for zone conference that is going to happen here in Cluj later this week! Its going to be great!(: 

So after the drain fiasco and some medicine/rest for Sora wyatt - we had a great lesson with one of our hilarious eternal investigators named Edith haha ah I love this lady. She is SO awesome. (same lady who spoon fed me the stomach soup) haha(: Anyways, this week we went and talked about temples with her, but the whole time she was SO sad because the brand new white pan that she had bought, got discolored after she used it one time. I have never seen Edith more distraught. She looked near tears...and just stared at this poor pan for like 20 minutes straight without saying a word. Ah we felt so we ended up going to Cora (like a grocery store) and buying her the exact same pan haha. We tried to "doorbell ditch it" on her front door, but after like 10 tries, still nothing haha. we had her neighbor go down there and knock the door - and ah she was so happy! Ah I sure love her haha(: It was one of the main highlights of my mission for sure(: 

I hope you all have a great week this upcoming week! And if there is EVER anything I can do for any of you guys, like buying you a new pan(; let me know! Its great hearing from you(: 

Love you guys!

Sora Armstrong

The new pan for Edith!

Fun times from last transfers(: Me and some of my cute friends from my MTC group!!


  1. You can do this installing the floor yourself. best plumber

  2. Didn't come up out of the was draining somewhere else.David Havelka at Royal Plumbing Inc.

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